“RIGA TRANSLATES FOR YOU”, WE translate for the world!
Translations in 96 languages!
Translations to English, Latvian, Russian and other languages
“RĪGA TULKO JUMS” will provide your translations made by the interpreters and translators having experience of several years in translation of the texts of the particular field. In order to provide high quality translation, professional correctors and editors will also review the ready translation. Read more
The translation office will help you to reach an agreement in business negotiations by the agency of its staff and interpreters, we will take care of understanding and proper treatment of your presentations in international conferences, we will make participation of your company in international exhibitions more effective. Read more
A sworn notary certification is necessary for a lot of documents after their translation. Read more
Certification of documents (validation) is certification of an official’s signature and stamp so that public documents drawn up in one country obtained legal force in another country. Read more
Our experienced project managers will help to provide all your intentions and wishes in order to ensure a full range of design and translation service solutions. Read more
Taking into account globalization, international business development, free personal and labour force movement in the European Union, customers wish the documents to be translated for private purposes. Texts and other materials will be translated whose translation helps to develop business, international cooperation and communication. Read more
The goal of SIA “RĪGA TULKO JUMS” is to be with you always!
A flexible, competitive translation price –based on the volume, complexity and necessary deadline of the texts to be translated. Our experience in the field allows to guarantee a transparent and reasonable price for each order.
We provide legal consultations on the issues regarding translations, notarial certifications of copies, statementsand perform apostilization of documents.
Qualified translators and interpreters –we assign ordersonly to such translators and interpreters who are educated in the particular field and guarantee use of the appropriate terminology and correct translations in terms of style.
Confidentiality–we conclude cooperation contracts with our customers in order to guarantee that your financial information, business secrets and other important information was in safe hands.
Quick customer service–we guarantee a reply to your e-mailswithin 30 minutes from the moment of their receipt.
SIA “DAILE ARGO” 2012. un 2013.gadā ir daudzkārt sadarbojusies ar tulkošanas biroju SIA “RĪGA TULKO JUMS”, izmantojot tulkošanas pakalpojumus no vācu valodas latviešu valodā, kas saistīti ar biogāzes koģeneracijas stacijas veiksmīgas darbības nodrošināšanu. Tika tulkoti tehnoloģiskie apraksti, informatīvie materiāli, noteikumi, rekomendācijas, ieteikumi.
Biroja darbinieki ir savas jomas profesionāļi ar lielu atbildību pret klientu.
SIA “ATTIRANCE-Natural Handmade cosmetics” 2013. gadā ir regulāri sadarbojusies ar tulkošanas biroju SIA “RĪGA TULKO JUMS”, pasūtot rakstiskās un mutiskās tuklošanas pakalpojumu nodrošināšanu franču, krievu, angļu, ķīniešu valodās dažādās minēto valodu kombinācijās.
Visi tulkošanas biroja SIA “RĪGA TULKO JUMS” veiktie tulkojumi tika izpildīti kvalitatīvi, pielietojot atbilstošu nozares terminoloģiju, un precīzi noteiktajos izpildes termiņos.