About the translation services
Written translation services are offered in the following fields:
- Construction and real estate.
- Medicineand pharmacy.
- Advertising.
- Transport.
- Science.
- Agriculture.
- Computer engineering andits software.
- Science.
- Technologies and technics.
- Literary works.
- Finance and business.
- Diploma papers and course papers.
- Home pages.
- Tourismand hotel business.
- Industry.
- Food and drinks.
- Legislation, regulatory enactments.
- Telekocommunications, etc.
Translation services for the company development
Taking into account globalization, international business development, free personal and labour force movement in the European Union, customers wish the documents to be translated for private purposes. Texts and other materials will be translated whose translation services helps to develop business, international cooperation and communication.
Important knowledge on translation of the marketing text
Upon promoting brand awareness of their company, entrepreneurs translate advertising materials, product descriptions and packaging labels. If a customer needs a translation of the home page content into different languages, that shows that a customer is interested to penetrate in foreign markets with the help of the translation. If home pages of a complicated structure are translated, a translation must be performed even more carefully than in other cases and they shall be translated by a translator having relevant knowledge about the structure of the hone page to be translated. The home page which is translated without the aforementioned knowledge may completely damage the idea about the company.
Translations and consultations with specialists of the field
If texts of such specific fields are translated, translation services shall be provided by consulting specialists of the particular field. Usually a specialist of the field or interpreter translates who has the necessary knowledge and translation experience. The translation is made, corrected and edited by a native language speaker in order to ensure conformity of the translation with the national language characteristics.
Translation of instructions, manuals, procurements and confidentiality guarantees
We provide translation of texts within the framework of the production process, as well when technical descriptions and manuals are translated. Customers often order translations of different manuals. There are cases when procurement offers and declarations of conformity are translated. Parties of the international procurements are even a separate part of the category of translation customers who translate the documentation required in the procurement procedure, whose translation may be complicated enough by taking into account the complexity of the material to be translated. When the documents containing confidential information are translated a Confidentiality agreement is usually concluded.
Translations and successful visual solutions help to convince the potential customer
If diagrams, texts with pictures, photos are translated, a layout designer is involved in order to ensure accurate drawing up of the translation.
Constant development takes place in all fields. Translation is a way of adopting the latest foreign methods. Experience descriptions may also be translated and there are development possibilities along with the time with the help of the translated text. Specialists of the field translate all the necessary documentation by making the everyday life easier for the users of the translation. If the desirable information is translated in the native language of the target audience, the translation helps to address people more personally because the information translated in the language understandable for a reader provides a feeling of safety and belonging when reading the translation in the native language.
Medical translation and quick medical assistance in foreign countries
As regards a translation services for physical persons, customers translate documents contaqining medical information, different statements, physician opinions, examination and test results. If customers translate their medical documentation, the translation may help them to receive medical assistance in foreign countries. The translation may ensure quicker and more efficient treatment result.
Translation services for studies and labour market
Spring is the time when students actively work out their scientific papers. At that time students translate scientific articles, foreign scientific publications of a very different content and other materials required for studies. Due to the translated material it is possible to obtain a considerably higher evaluation. The students who plan to study in abroad translate education documents, motivation letters and experience descriptions. A translation is as a step towards sunny future in the international labour market!
Translations for marriage and dissolution of marriage
Translation has an important role in mutual communication. Correspondence regarding mutual transactions, business meetings, marriage registration procedure and even dissolution procedure of marriage are translated.
Translation services for legal process
If one is involved in some international legal process, evidence for the cour, correspondence of the legal process, different receipts and cheques, as well as statements from different authorities are translated.
Translations of different fields
Translations are very different, for example, representatives of the pharmacy field translate descriptions of medications, IT specialists translate software, lawyers – contracts and powers of attorney. Representatives of the field of cosmetics translate labels of products, architects –descriptions of their projects.
Translations in different languages
Most often customers translate into English and French. The most popular language the translators have to work with is Russian. Texts from some other language into Russian and vice versa are often translated. German and Italian is often translated, as well. The selection of languages depends on the market in which an entrepreneur acts or the country to which a customer of the translation goes.
Customers ordering translations: legal persons, private persons, public authorties, local government institutions.
Order our translations!
SIA “Rīga Tulko Jums’’